Boy's Registration (#9) Sleeper's First Name Sleeper's Last NamePhone numberGender Male FemaleAgeGraduation yearSchoolSleeper's AddressAddress Line 1Address Line 2CityStateZip CodeSleeper's EmailDate of Awakening to attendName to appear on nametagShirt size Small Medium Large XL 2XL OtherOtherSponsor's NameChurch currently attendingPastor's nameParent's Name Parent's Last NamePhone numberIs your parent's address the same as your address? Yes NoParent's EmailParent's AddressAddress Line 1Address Line 2CityStateZip CodeHas anyone in your family attended a Great Banquet/Emmaus/Cursillo or Awakening/ Chrysalis weekend? If so, who?:Do you require a special diet? Yes NoDo you have a health problem that might affect your ability to attend the Awakening? Yes NoHas the Awakening been explained to you? Yes NoHave reunion groups and community gatherings been explained to you? Yes NoWhat are your dietary needs?Please tell us about your health concerns:Please state briefly why you wish to participate in the Awakening and what you expect from it:Submit Form