Girl's Sponsor Form (#10) Sponsor's NameSponsor's AddressAddress Line 1Address Line 2CityStateZip CodeSponsor's Phone NumberSponsor's EmailSponsor’s Weekend (location and number):Sleeper's NameSleeper's AddressAddress Line 1Address Line 2CityStateZip CodeSleeper's Phone NumberSleeper's AgeSleeper's EmailSleeper's SchoolLast Grade Completed (Sleepers should be 15 years old OR have completed at least a partial year of high school to attend. Note: Please take Sleeper’s maturity level into consideration; the Awakening experience is usually better received when a youth has obtained a level of maturity that enables them to be attentive and focused. If there is doubt, please give prayerful consideration to sponsoring your Sleeper to a future Awakening weekend.):Name & Denomination of Sleeper's ChurchPastor's Name:How long have you known the sleeper?What is your relationship to the sleeper?Does the sleeper have any specific needs? If so, please list them:Has Awakening Been Explained? Yes NoHave the follow-up programs (reunion groups, gatherings, etc.) been explained? Yes NoState briefly why you are sponsoring this person for The Awakening and what you expect him/her to receive from it:Total cost for the weekend is $60.00. Payment of $50.00 should be turned in with this completed sponsor’s form. We also request a $10.00 registration fee from the sleeper. This should be given to you along with their completed registration form. Early registrants will be notified by mail of their acceptance. Acceptance is made on a first come basis, with a preference for senior high school ages. Since we have a limited number of spaces for sleepers, your sleeper may be placed on a waiting list. If this occurs, can your sleeper fill an opening on the day of The Awakening? Yes NoSubmit Form